Our Social Engagement
“Corporate Social Responsibility ensures that a company’s economic growth is beneficial to all its stakeholders, including suppliers, employees, and customers while minimizing its impact on the environment.”
Social engagement is for KBC business model a way to create social and environmental benefits while pursuing organizational goals, like revenue growth and maximizing shareholder value.
We believe that by not offering high-quality products and services, customers will stop buying. If we don’t treat our workers well, they’ll leave. And if we pollute the environment, our public reputation will suffer.
Conversely, if we keep being socially responsible, we will improve our reputation, attract the best talent, build customer loyalty, and turn a healthy profit.

We strongly believe that we exist because of the society, and the society deserve more attention and engagement from us. That is why we are working with different organisations such as ADNA e.V in Worms, The African Student Association (VAS) in Worms, MeineWelt e.V in Lampertheim, The African Network in Germany (TANG) and many others. We support them and also their members with internships, working student contract and free advice on entrepreneurship. In addition, we are engaged on the following:
- Volunteering in the community
- Charitable giving
- Participating in fair-trade
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Participated for grow up our society. help needed people.